Howdy! I'm MinePlanet84. I'm 20 years old, and was raised in the great amazing land known as the United States Of America.
I hate the United States.
I started playing LittleBigPlanet back in 2012, due to my father obtaining two copies of "LittleBigPlanet 2: Special Editon" somehow. He was planning on selling them, and since there were two, he let me play one of the copies.
And wow.
What a domino affect that was, eh? Now, 11 years later, I'm one of the big names in the LittleBigPlanet community. It was my childhood dream to be one of the big ones, with GlitchMaster7 being one of my earliest inspirations. Hell, I'm still surprised I was able to obtain the legendary Rare Prize Crown.
I literally have a shelf dedicated to LittleBigPlanet in my room. It isn't much, but I still love it.
I'm also a trophy hunter on PlayStation, so it gives me more chances to play games that I wouldn't have other wise. You can check out my PSNProfile here to check out how much of my time was wasted on playing games!
That's... kinda all I have to say about myself, honestly. If I think of more stuff, I'll be sure to update this. Maybe. I dunno.
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